Welcome to our law firm's website
Vagenas Fotios and Partners
Thessaloniki 7 & Merarchias
(Karamanlis Str) corner 1st floor. - 23210-21341
- 6936131370
- Areteou 22 & Panormou
- 2nd floor
Office Manager:
Lawyer Konstantinos Marinaros

- 1988 -1992 Law studies in Thessaloniki University/Greece
- 1992-1993 ERASMUS student exchange program in Hanover & MAGISTER study program
(WS 92/93 & SS 93 lecture “Enforcement against the assets of the OHG”) - 24.6.1993 Acquisition of the Goethe Intermediate Level Certificate in Hanover
- 1994 Degree from the Faculty of Law in Thessaloniki
- 1997 Runs his law firm in Serres. Admitted to the district court
- 2005-Admitted to the Higher Regional Court
- 2017-Admitted to the Supreme Court
On the board of the consumer protection association in Serres (E.P.KA.S.)
- 2000-2004 Secretary General of the Executive Board
- 2004-2006 Vice President of the Executive Board
- 2005 Representatives of all Greek consumer associations in E.U.
- 2006-2007 Chairman of the Board of the Consumer Protection Association in Serres (E.P.KA.S.).
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: German, English, Greek
Legal areas
German-speaking supra-regional lawyer specialized in civil law, with own law firm since 1997 in Serres in Northern Greece.
I am there for you when it comes to your interests.

Translations German - Greek
Wir bieten Ihnen Übersetzungen aus der Sprache Deutsch in die griechische und aus dem Griechischen ins Deutsche
Alle Behörden in Deutschland und in Griechenland verlangen amtlich beglaubigte Übersetzungen fuer alle Angelegenheiten von Griechen die taetig in Deutschland sind oder von Deutschen, die in Griechenland taetig sind, um eine verbindliche, wortgetreue Wiedergabe der Originaldokumente zu gewährleisten. Unsere Kanzei ist laut dem Gesetzt (Artikel 36 der griechischen Anwaltsordnung) ermächtigt, die Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit von Übersetzungen zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen zu bestätigen und diese zu beglaubigen.
Für welche Dokumente ist so eine Übersetzung relevant?
In der nachfolgenden Beispielliste finden Sie häufig nachgesuchte Bedarfsbereiche für dieses Dienstleistungsangebot der Rechtspflege:
- Handelsregisterauszüge
- Urteile
- Strafregisterauszüge
- Zeugnisse, Diplome, Zertifikate
- Pässe, Auweise, oder Visa
- diverse Arten von Urkunden (Heiratsurkunde, Todesschein, Geburtsurkunde etc)
Eine von einem deutschsprachigen Rechtsanwalt ausgeführte Beglaubigung wird in Griechenland sowohl in Deutschland normalerweise von allen Behörden anerkannt.
Ihre Dokumente können schnell zu uns per E-Mail ( info@vagenaslaw.gr oder fotiosva@hotmail.gr) kommen
Banking Law
Interest rates, compound interest, the development of a Greek bank contract, farmer loans are the main activities of our law firm.
Floating rate bonds, also known as floating rate notes (floaters), do not have a fixed interest yield but a variable one.
After each interest period, the issuer announces the new interest rate for the coming period.
The respective interest rate is often based on money market interest rates such as Euribor, the European Interbank Offered Rate.
The Euribor is the interest rate that European banks charge each other when trading deposits. In the case of floating-rate bonds, the investor is thus protected against interest rate changes by linking the interest rate to a reference interest rate during the term of the bond.
Several conflicts can arise if the banks do not adhere to the reference interest rate but set arbitrary rates. In such a case, we will be happy to help you!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Inheritance law
We handle inheritance law cases of Greeks living in Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein or Austria with accountability, confidentiality, without delay, with complete and continuous information about the progress of your case. Our law firm can assure you that your case will be handled properly, as in German hands.
Family law
We handle family law cases in the private international law respect. This means that many of our clients are Greeks who were married to Germans and lived or live in Germany or Greece and now need reliable legal assistance to resolve divorce, property distribution, custody and child support issues.
Our law firm will help you to draw up divorce settlement agreements and provide you with information on topics such as maintenance law and parental maintenance. Our law firm can also provide you with the right answers to questions about child custody law and give you expert, individual and comprehensible advice. If necessary, we will support and represent you in court and find quick and efficient solutions for you.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Commercial law
Thanks to our many years of experience, we guarantee a very high level of quality in the area of company formation in Greece, from which our clients benefit.
We advise companies in all phases of employment – from recruitment to the termination of service and employment relationships
We pave the way for company transformations and develop business transfers.
We advise start-up companies. (The term ‘start-up’ has recently been used to describe a young company that is founded on the basis of an innovative business idea with the aim of growing quickly and possibly being placed on the market profitably after a few years).
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Treasure hunt in Greece
Greece, a country with a rich history.
The soil of Greece is rich in archaeological remains or treasures, as there are often treasures hidden in the ground from the ancient Greeks to this day, due to violent population movements and war events.
Exploration and excavation with official permission (treasure hunting in Greece) only takes place with the presence of representatives of the relevant authorities.
According to the Greek civil code, “treasure” is the ownerless finds of particular economic importance. However, ancient coins become the property of the state upon discovery. They must be handed over immediately to the monument authority. The finder should not receive an appropriate reward (money) as a representative of the monument authority is present during the discovery.
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Ιn any case, a person exploring in this country must apply in advance for a special permit from the locally competent Public Property Office.
In order to be granted a permit by the Public Property Office, other authorities (the locally competent municipality, monument authority, forest authority) must give their consent. The explorer should specify the areas he wishes to search in his application. The monument authority will check whether there are any known ground monuments at this location. The monument authorities can designate areas as ground monuments. No search is permitted in such areas. They are closed.
However, if the find is British pounds, then the treasure law applies, i.e. the finder should receive from the state as a reward (money) the 50% percent of the value of the discovered pounds, plus all discovery expenses.
Without an official permit, you will be severely penalized for exploring and digging!
Our firm has undertaken many times from the beginning to the end of the process of licensing the search for hidden treasure.
We know all the details of a comprehensive and successful treasure hunting process!
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The lawyer is available from Monday to Saturday at the following telephone numbers:
Mon-Fri: 9.00 – 15.00 & 19.00- 21.30
Sat: 10.00- 14.00
Ability to communicate
and via Skype